Results for 'Karuna Devi Mishra'

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  1.  67
    Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda.Madhurima Mishra, Koustab Ghosh & Dheeraj Sharma - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):63-87.
    Since the conceptualization of unethical pro-organizational behavior ten years ago, scholarly interest in exploring this phenomenon has multiplied. Given a burgeoning body of empirical research, a review of unethical pro-organizational behavior literature is warranted. This study, therefore, systematically reviews the extant literature on unethical pro-organizational behavior and presents a comprehensive theory-based review of the past developments in this field. We classify previous studies based on their underlying theoretical perspectives and discuss the antecedents and consequences of unethical pro-organizational behavior in work (...)
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    Establishing a Causal Role for Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Reality Monitoring.Karuna Subramaniam, Hardik Kothare, Leighton B. Hinkley, Phiroz Tarapore & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Improving access to essential medicines: How health concerns can be prioritised in the global governance system.Devi Sridhar - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (2):83-88.
    Dr Devi Sridhar, Department of Politics and International relations, University of Oxford, All Souls College, High St, OX1 4AL UK, Email: devi.sridhar{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract This paper discusses the politics of access to essential medicines and identifies ‘space’ in the current system where health concerns can be strengthened relative to trade. This issue is addressed from a global governance perspective focusing on the main actors who can have the greatest impact. (...)
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  4. 4. Showdown for Nonviolence: The Theory and Practice of Nonviolent Politics.Karuna Mantena - 2018 - In Brandon M. Terry & Tommie Shelby (eds.), To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Harvard University Press. pp. 78-102.
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  5. The Case: The “Ashley Treatment” Revisited.Ruchika Mishra - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):407.
    To submit a case that has been reviewed by an ethics committee or to submit papers on related topics in clinical ethics, readers are invited to contact Ruchika Mishra, editor of at:
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  6. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Firm Performance of Indian Companies?Supriti Mishra & Damodar Suar - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (4):571 - 601.
    This study examines whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) towards primary stakeholders influences the financial and the non-financial performance (NFP) of Indian firms. Perceptual data on CSR and NFP were collected from 150 senior-level Indian managers including CEOs through questionnaire survey.Hard data on financial performance (FP) of the companies were obtained from secondary sources. A questionnaire for assessing CSR was developed with respect to six stakeholder groups - employees, customers, investors, community, natural environment, and suppliers. A composite measure of CSR was (...)
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    Improving the neural mechanisms of cognition through the pursuit of happiness.Karuna Subramaniam & Sophia Vinogradov - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  8. Integral philosophy, education, thinking: policy and praxis in India.Akanksha Mishra - 2022 - International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 14 (1):190-197.
    Well elucidated and defined education policy is the most essential criteria for comprehensive progress of all human beings. From the time immemorial it is known that progress can be ushered only through education. A futuristic education policy both at the school and university level is extremely imperative. Countries at the global level have been adopting effective education policies to meet the changing needs of education and society at large. There is a need to shift educational approach from rote learning to (...)
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  9. Positive and Negative Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Leverage, and Idiosyncratic Risk.Saurabh Mishra & Sachin B. Modi - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):431-448.
    Existing research on the financial implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for firms has predominantly focused on positive aspects of CSR, overlooking that firms also undertake actions and initiatives that qualify as negative CSR. Moreover, studies in this area have not investigated how both positive and negative CSR affect the financial risk of firms. As such, in this research, the authors provide a framework linking both positive and negative CSR to idiosyncratic risk of firms. While investigating these relationships, the authors (...)
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    Moving towards substituted or supported decision-making? Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.Nandini Devi, Jerome Bickenbach & Gerold Stucki - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (4):249-264.
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    Reality Monitoring and Feedback Control of Speech Production Are Related Through Self-Agency.Karuna Subramaniam, Hardik Kothare, Danielle Mizuiri, Srikantan S. Nagarajan & John F. Houde - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  12. Age of Anger : A History of the Present.Pankaj Mishra - 2017
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    Implementing California's Law on Assisted Dying.Ruchika Mishra - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (2):7-8.
    On October 5, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown approved bill ABX2 15, the End of Life Option Act, making California the fifth state in the country to allow physician-assisted dying. The law was modeled after Oregon's 1997 Death with Dignity Act. When the legislative special session ended on March 10, 2016, California health care providers had only ninety days to respond to the state mandate before the law would take effect, on June 9, 2016. Experience with the law so far suggests (...)
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  14.  26
    Post-innovation CSR Performance and Firm Value.Dev R. Mishra - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (2):285-306.
    Analyzing a sample of 13,917 US firm–years from 1991 to 2006, we find that more innovative firms demonstrate high corporate social responsibility performance subsequent to a successful innovation. These high-CSR innovative firms enjoy significantly higher valuation post-innovation. These findings imply that firms with demonstrated potential growth opportunities, as evident from the number of registered patents and their citations, benefit by strategically investing more in CSR activities; that is, CSR investment entails ‘doing well by [strategically] doing good.’.
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  15. Mill and the imperial predicament.Karuna Mantena - 2007 - In Nadia Urbinati & Alex Zakaras (eds.), J.S. Mill's Political Thought: A Bicentennial Reassessment. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  16.  11
    Arising from, Arriving at ‘Integrality’: Delving into the Wisdom of Sri Aurobindo via Bindu Puri’s Reading Sri Aurobindo.Aastha Mishra - 2024 - Sophia 63 (2):363-369.
    On the occasion of the sesquicentennial celebration of Sri Aurobindo, the book, Reading Sri Aurobindo: Metaphysics, Ethics and Spirituality (2022), by Bindu Puri is devoted to acquaint readers with the momentous contributions of Sri Aurobindo to contemporary Indian philosophical discourse. This discussion is devoted to reviewing recent scholarship around the vision and wisdom of Sri Aurobindo, vindicating the background, development and relevance of his philosophy. More precisely, by employing the theme of ‘integrality’ as the soul and substance of his metaphysical, (...)
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    AI-Driven Test Automation for Healthcare Data Warehousing Projects.Arun Kumar Ramachandran Sumangala Devi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:348-354.
    Healthcare data warehousing test automation is becoming a success through the help of AI-based technology that results in accuracy, efficiency, and data integrity on the automated test. The one central to personalized patient data that forms the core of traditional data warehousing solutions frequently faces problems of complexity and dissatisfaction. Deep learning with test automation solutions makes data ingestion, processing, and testing conversant through machine learning algorithms [1]. These systems encompass separate acts such as testing for data integration, testing the (...)
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    Peningkatan Career Decison Making Self Efficacy Melalui Pelatihan Perencanaan Karir pada Siswa SMK.Devi Damayanti & Arini Widyowati - 2018 - Humanitas 15 (1):35.
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  19. At Holy Mother's feet.Sarada Devi (ed.) - 1963 - Calcutta,: Advaita Ashrama.
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    Aménagement hydroélectrique et droits communautaires dans l’Himalaya oriental.Deepak Kumar Mishra & Christian G. Caubet - 2019 - Multitudes 75 (2):191-195.
    Avec plus de cent soixante mémorandums d’accords signés avec des constructeurs de barrages, l’Etat d’Arunashal Pradesh, situé dans l’Himalaya, dans une région nord-orientale de l’Inde faisant limite avec la Chine, le Boutant et le Myanmar, occupe une place de choix dans les plans d’aménagement hydroélectrique de l’Inde. Cet état est le foyer d’environ vingt-cinq communautés autochtones, chacune avec ses différentes traditions culturelles et institutionnelles pour l’administration des propriétés collectives, comme les terres agricoles et les forêts. À l’Arunachal Pradesh, à la (...)
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  21. Introduction to the philosophy of samkhye (Yoga psychology).R. S. Mishra - 2001 - Filozofski Vestnik 22 (3):59-72.
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  22. Vedāntānucintanam =.Sarbananda Mishra - 2006 - Srivihar, Puri: Centre of Advanced Research in Sanskrit, Sri Jagannatha Sanskrit Visvavidyalaya.
    Systematic presentation of the fundamentals of Vedanta philosophy with charts and explanation.
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    Derrida E as reconstruções transformadoras na Nova áfrica do sul.Devi Sarinjeive - 2006 - In Alcides Cardoso dos Santos, Fabio Durão, Maria das Graças G. Villa da Silva & Michael Naas (eds.), Desconstruções e contextos nacionais. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: 7 Letras. pp. 47.
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    Advaita Vedānta: a logico-cognitive approach.N. Usha Devi - 2007 - Kochi: Sukr̥tīndra Oriental Research Institute.
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    IoT plant monitoring system for mental health therapy.Karuna Yepuganti, Sonalika Awasthi & Raghav Sharma - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (3):1029-1034.
    In this paper, we propose an Internet of Things to enhancing the experience of personal gardening as a method of therapy for mental-health patients, given a belief in its role in a person’s mood and general positivity, The proposed prototype continuously senses and monitors the state of an indoor plant through different sensors. The user is notified of the plant’s needs for water, sunlight, etc., through generated notifications from channels over cloud in-real time. Thus, we were able to successfully create (...)
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  26. (2 other versions)The Case.Ruchika Mishra - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (2):281-.
  27.  21
    Reproductive Technologies, Care Crisis and Inter-generational Relations in North India: Towards a Local Ethics of Care.Paro Mishra - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (1):91-109.
    This paper reflects on the social consequences of biotechnological control of population for values and ethics of care within the family household in rural north India. Based on long-term ethnographic research, it illustrates the manner in which social practices intermingle with reproductive choices and new reproductive technologies, leading to a systematic elimination of female foetuses, and thus, imbalanced sex ratios. This technological fashioning of populations, the paper argues, has far-reaching consequences for the institutions of family, marriage and kinship in north (...)
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  28.  10
    Unreglementierte Erfahrung.Devi Dumbadze & Christoph Hesse (eds.) - 2015 - Freiburg: Ça ira.
    Es ist, als ob man vergebens aus nächster Nähe zu betrachten suchte, was in weitester Ferne liegt – und dennoch nur scheinbar ein Jenseitiges ist. Etwas unreglementiert erfahren: ist das überhaupt möglich? Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge widmen sich der Bestimmung eines Begriffs, der in der kritischen Theorie Adornos einen zentralen, wenngleich nie ausdrücklich benannten Platz einnimmt. In der zahlreich vorhandenen Literatur zu Adorno wird unreglementierte Erfahrung, wenn überhaupt, als ein nur subjektives Phänomen oder gar als ein dem wissenschaftlichen (...)
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    Bridging Ethics and Evidence: Language as a Critical Determinant of Health Equity.Vishala Mishra, Damián E. Blasi & Joseph P. Dexter - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (11):66-69.
    Advancing public health equity requires a broad view of factors that influence well-being, including not only physical but also social determinants of health. In “A Public Health Ethics Framework f...
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  30. EPISTEMOLOGICAL INQUIRY IN CONSIDERATION WITH INTEGRAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.Akanksha Mishra - 2022 - Stochastic Modeling and Applications 26 (3):375-381.
    A comprehensive view of human transformation can only come through an absolute understanding of human nature and process of evolution. The dimension of the human personality provides the point for initiation to assess and understand their process of development. This further leads to an inquiry into what comes next and where would this development lead to? Is the development an end or a means to achieve a higher goal of attaining transcendence? The focus of every human life is to reach (...)
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    In the Name of Merit: Ethical Violence and Inequality at a Business School.Devi Vijay & Vivek G. Nair - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (2):315-337.
    This study examines how meritocracy as a collective social imaginary promoting social justice and fairness reproduces class and caste inequalities and fosters ethical violence. We interrogate discourse of merit in the narratives of the professional–managerial class-in-making at an Indian business school. Empirically, we draw on interviews, full-text responses to a qualitative questionnaire, and a student’s poem. We describe how business school students articulate merit as a neoliberal ethic, emphasizing prudential, enterprising attitudes, and responsibility. However, this positive, aspirational façade of merit (...)
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  32.  14
    The Namaste effect: expressing universal love through the chakras.Nischala Joy Devi - 2019 - Angel Fire, NM: Lotus Flower Books, an imprint of Columbine Publishing Group LLC.
    In The Namaste Effect, we are guided to such connection by tapping into our higher consciousness through the subtle energy centers known as chakras, to spark the release of love from our hearts and send it to others. With that action, we affect each other and eventually the entire globe. This book offers a way to live in this world by expressing love and compassion as our primary actions. Told through a series of examples and heartwarming stories, Nischala Devi (...)
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    Gandhi and Revolution.Devi Prasad - 2016 - Routledge India.
    This volume is a collection of Devi Prasad’s essays on Gandhi, social justice and social change. The different essays address themes ranging from Gandhi’s ideals of satyagraha and ahimsa, civil disobedience and non-violence, to the Gandhian approach to education as founded in making and crafting as well as participation in the political and social movements of our times. They also engage the revolutionary potential of Gandhi’s thought, drawing parallels between Lenin and Gandhi and analysing the historical significance of Gandhi’s (...)
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    Clinical Ethics Consultations: What do Requestors Say?Ruchika Mishra - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):45-49.
    This symposium collection of twelve narratives from individuals who experienced clinical ethics consultations provides perspectives from a group that has not been adequately explored in the bioethics literature. The authors represent a variety of stakeholders who received ethics consultations: healthcare providers and family members. This commentary will focus on three themes addressed in the different narrative accounts: the reasons for requesting an ethics consultation; the expectations of the narrators from the consultation; and the conclusions the authors drew from their experience (...)
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    Online Fictive Motion Understanding: An Eye-Movement Study With Hindi.Ramesh Kumar Mishra & Niharika Singh - 2010 - Metaphor and Symbol 25 (3):144-161.
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    El despertar de la maternidad universal.Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi - 2006 - Polis 14.
    En este texto se afirma la igualdad entre los hombres y mujeres, pues ambos poseen el mismo potencial infinito e inherente. La espiritualidad verdadera implica el autoconocimiento y consiste en realizar el poder de vida y de amar que existe potencialmente en todos nosotros. Es necesario superar toda forma de discriminación hacia las mujeres. La autora convoca a las mujeres a luchar por sus derechos, pues dice que están dormidas y deben despertar, cambiar su mente, redescubrir y valorar que representan (...)
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    A critical edition of the Brahmasūtras: Sanskrit text with translation into English,critical analysis and notes with Śaṅkarācārya's commentary Śārīrakamīmāṃsābhāṣya. Vāsudeva & Pī Śyāmalā Devī - 2011 - New Delhi: New Bharatiya Book. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya & Shailaja Bapat.
    Classical Sanskrit poem on Krishna, Hindu deity, also, illustrating the rules of Sanskrit grammar as in Aṣṭādhyāyi of Pāṇini; based on rare manuscripts.
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  38. La robotique mobile, chapitre Planification et décision. JP Laumond.M. Devy, B. Espiau, F. Genot, M. Ghallab & F. Lamiraux - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Tradition and modernity in contemporary religio-philosophic movements.Anasuya Devi & R. A. - 1990 - Tirupati: A.R. Anasuyadevi.
  40. Teoría general de la prueba judicial.Hernando Devis Echandía - 1987 - [Medellín, Colombia?]: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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    Basic Measures of Auditory Perception in Children: No Evidence for Mediation by Auditory Working Memory Capacity.Srikanta K. Mishra & Udit Saxena - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  42. Dimensions of the observables and the nature of Nature.Rajen K. Mishra - 1992 - In B. Rubik (ed.), The Interrelationship Between Mind and Matter. Center for Frontier Sciences Temple University.
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  43. Life: A Scientific View Point.Surendra Nath Mishra - 2006 - In Baidyanath Saraswati (ed.), Voice of life: traditional thought and modern science. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld in association with N.K. Bose Memorial Foundation, Varanasi.
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  44. Nyāya concept of cause and effect relationship: with special reference to Bhavānanda's Kāraṇatāvicāra.Arun Ranjan Mishra - 2008 - Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan. Edited by Bhavānanda Siddhāntavāgīśa Bhaṭṭācāryya.
    Includes complete text in Sanskrit with English translation.
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    Pachimi Gyanodyay Ke Vaicharik Sankat.Vishwanath Mishra - 2019 - Oxford University Press India.
    The author in this book highlights the ruptures and gaps in western discourses such as those of modernity, poststructuralism, postmodernism, deconstruction, nihilism, feminism, and multiculturalism, while also addressing the anomalies within these frameworks using Indian discursive perspectives which are dhrama centric yet open ended. The author in this book uses a comparative lens to expand the scope of Gandhi's Hind Swaraj with respect to enlightenment thought in order to examine issues of equality, freedom, wealth generation- distribution, industrial society and its (...)
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    Performances of the Online Self for Networked Audiences: An Introduction to the Special Issue.Smeeta Mishra & Amani Ismail - 2018 - Journal of Human Values 24 (1):vii-xiii.
    Social media affordances enable us to construct multi-faceted online identities and personal brands that we use to engage and interact with audiences—defined and ambiguous, intended and unintended. There is a need to examine such online identities and associated micro-celebrity practices by users who appeal to multiple audiences through the strategic use of online spaces. In this special issue, we explore performances of our digital selves and the role played by active and interactive audiences in meaning-making within complex socio-political contexts while (...)
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  47.  12
    The Making of a Clinical Ethicist: A Personal Tribute to Al Jonsen.Ruchika Mishra - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (4):381-382.
    In this account, the author shares her long-standing personal and professional relationship with her mentor, Albert R. Jonsen, PhD, a prominent figure in the history of bioethics.
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  48. The role of sense-data in perception.N. Mishra - 1960 - Philosophical Quarterly (India) 33 (April):41-48.
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    (1 other version)Nurturing Spirituality: In Conjunction with Integral Education.Akanksha Mishra & Alka Muddgal - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (2):185-195.
    Spirituality facilitates a deeper contemplation of reality, and it provides a better understanding of the self and the daily struggles of life. Spirituality develops the divine potential of learners and prepares them for life by giving them the tools they need to keep on learning through their experiences. It enables them to develop more completely and comprehensively. In a way, it is training for life. This research paper explicates the meaning, importance, and understanding of spirituality as a part of Integral (...)
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    Guru bergerak Indonesia maju: refleksi kritis calon guru penggerak.Devi Indra Rini (ed.) - 2022 - Malang: CV. Air Mata Indonesia.
    Account of teachers' experiences in developing the competency and professionalism in Indonesia; collection of articles.
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